I’m so glad you are here. You might have come across my site because you are finally free from a narcissistic relationship.
Or you are here because something does not feel right in your current relationship but you don’t know it is. You might have no idea what to do and feel overwhelmed and hopeless.
Be very proud of yourself for having the courage to acknowledge something needs to change.
Being victimized by a narcissist means you have experienced trauma, which must be healed from the inside. You can break the cycle and live the life you want to live!
It starts with you.
My Mission
As a certified coach and a Narcissistic abuse specialist, I approach healing through a trauma-informed lens, by identifying the root cause stemming
from childhood and past experiences
Please know I understand what you are going through personally.
It is my life’s mission to help women understand it is not your fault you entered into a relationship with a narcissist!
There is a reason why you were attracted to that toxic person. We will uncover your “why” so you will never again be a magnet for a narcissist. Knowledge is power!
My Goal
My goal is to help women,
Recover, Rediscover & Reclaim after narcissistic abuse. I have created a powerful 12-week intensive healing program called L.I.F.E. During our sessions together you will discover:
-How to let go of the person who caused you pain.
-Identify what attracted you to the toxic person.
-Explore your new freedom.
-Evolve into the person you want to be now.
You will also learn how to use a powerful somatic healing method called EFT, which is scientifically proven to rewire the brain, release anxiety and trauma while regulating the nervous system.
Let me be your emotional support...
What you focus on expands! It is time to focus on you! You CAN heal after being victimized by a narcissist. It won’t be easy, but neither is being abused! No matter your age or the length of your toxic relationship, it is never too late to start your healing journey. Even if you are still in the relationship it is possible and highly recommended to start healing. Healing is not a destination to be reached. It is a life long journey. It doesn’t change the past, but it means the past no longer controls your life! You deserve to live a beautiful life.
I believe in you and I will be here every step of the way!
Please note: I’m a certified life coach, not a clinical therapist or psychiatrist. No information within this site claims to replace the guidance of a professional mental health provider. I am providing a co- creative relationship only, and all decisions remain the responsibility of the individual. I take no responsibility for my client’s life choices. All Information shared with me will remain strictly confidential.
Women Who Boss Up
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Whether you’re considering separation, getting a divorce, or are a newly divorced woman, we can help you survive your divorce AND build a thriving life after divorce, too. Find everything you need to know about the legal process (myDIVORCE), your kids and pets (myFAMILY), your money (myWALLET), your stuff (mySTUFF) and beyond (mySELF) right here!
Do you want to know more about my healing program and what you can expect during your journey?
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