What is Gaslighting:
Gaslighting is the act of manipulating a person by forcing them to question their thoughts, memories and events occurring around them. A victim of gaslighting can be pushed so far that they question their own sanity.
Gaslighting is emotional abuse, seen in a narcissistic relationship. The narcissist becomes an expert at pushing your buttons. They know your sensitivity and vulnerability and use that knowledge against you to make you look and believe you are the crazy one.

Victims of gaslighting often experience the following emotions:
- You no longer feel like the person you used to be.
- Feeling more anxious and less confident than you used to be.
- Often wondering if you are being too sensitive.
- Feeling like everything you do is wrong.
- Always thinking it’s your fault when things go wrong.
- Apologizing often.
- Having a sense something is wrong, but being unable to identify what it is.
- Often questioning whether your response to your partner is appropriate.
- Making excuses for your partners behavior.
- Avoid giving information to friends or family members to avoid confrontation about your partner.
- Feeling isolated from family and friends.
- Finding it increasingly hard to make decisions.
- Feeling hopeless and taking little or no pleasure in activities you used to enjoy.
"They will tell you it's all in your head and that you are the problem. They will tell you that you are overreacting. Don't buy into any of it. The abuse is the problem, not you"
Examples include:
- The narcissist will say things to you that they later deny having said.
- Telling you that people are talking about you, behind your back.
- Insisting you were or were not at a certain place, even though it’s not true.
- Trivializing how you feel, because you are crazy, too sensitive, too emotional.

You are not crazy! It’s not your fault and you are not alone