Dependencies that keep us hooked in a relationship with a narcissist.
It is so very common to be hanging on to the hope that the narcissist will change. That one day they are going to get it and stop their cruel behavior towards us. You are trying everything to make it work. Pleading, begging, over-compromising, self- abandoning, and walking on eggshells. You have done it all! Over and over again. You see no change in their behavior towards you and they show no interest in finding a resolution or repairing the relationship. It is their way or no way! And still, we keep trying.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
We keep hoping it will be different. That we can somehow fix it one day so that we don’t have to uproot our life. We become dependent on the narcissist for human connection needs, such as love, approval, security, and survival. The trauma bond and deep chemical connection we develop with a narcissist make it hard to imagine living without them. They might have told you time and time again that you will never find someone to love you. That you are crazy, too needy, too much, too difficult, helpless, stupid, not intelligent, not interesting, not attractive, too fat, too skinny, and way too annoying. Over time we start to believe it. This is coming from a person who said they loved us.
We crave their approval. We point out things we have accomplished or created hoping they will validate us by giving us praise and be proud of us.

But every time we are ignored. Our big accomplishment is squashed and it confirms we aren’t good enough.
Feeling secure is a human need. Being in a relationship with a narcissist is a rollercoaster of emotions. Our brain can’t feel safe not knowing what to expect from the person we are involved with. We have been discarded, given the silent treatment, called names, and belittled so many times. One minute they might be in a good mood and act kind, engage in “pleasant conversation”, take us out for dinner, be affectionate, then suddenly explode over something…Again and again…. the cycle continues. In a relationship with a narcissist, we lose all sense of security.
Our brain’s job is to keep us alive and safe. When our survival is threatened, our nervous system enters a state of fight, flight, and freeze. Fawn is a survival tactic we use to try and fix a threatening situation. We will do and say anything to make our abuser stop.
In order to get out of a relationship with a narcissist, we have to let go of the dreams and plans we had.
We have to let go of the love we thought we had or should have had from this person. We have to let go of approval because this person is never going to approve of anything we do.
We have to let go of the security and safety that we hoped for with this person. We have to awake to the devastating reality that this person is compromising our life, soul, joy, and self-esteem. Waiting around for the narcissist to change means everything is going to deteriorate even further, yet we are understandably terrified of letting go and having everything crash and burn and having to rebuild.
However, it does get to a point where the fear of leaving gets less than the fear of staying.
I promise you as someone who was on the other side, that there is a beautiful life waiting for you. When you are ready to let go of trying to change the narcissist and your relationship, accepting that it will never happen, instead turn the focus on yourself, recover and heal your inner wounds, and identify what attracted you to this person, everything will slowly start to change.
Yours in healing, Inaz