
Coercive control.

Coercive control.

Coercive control is when a person with whom you are personally connected, repeatedly behaves in a way that makes you feel controlled, dependent, isolated or scared.

Coercive control is a subtle type of abusive behavior that is very harmful.

It is a strategic form of ongoing oppression used to install fear.
Physical and verbal abuse are terms most are familiar with when hearing the word domestic violence.

Coercive control is still a description most don’t associate with domestic abuse.

Coercive control is illegal in the United Kingdom and Scotland. Only a few states including California, Hawaii, and recently Connecticut have incorporated coercive control into the legal definition of domestic violence.

Legislators in New York, Maryland, and South Carolina have proposed coercive control last year. There is still a long way to go, for coercive abuse to be recognized as domestic violence in the law system access the world.


This is what coercive control can look like:

Limiting access to money.

Your abuser controls how much money you have and how you spend it. Creates a tight budget without your consent. Scolding you like a child whenever you spend money on anything including groceries.

Listen in on your private communication, as a controlling effort.

Making jealous accusations.
Jealousy complaining about the amount of time you spend with your family and friends.

Isolating you from friends and family. They might move you to a new state or county, with the promise of a better life, knowing you will be dependent on them.

Controlling aspects of your health and body.

They’ll monitor how much you eat and sleep. They will call you lazy if you take a well-deserved nap or sit on the couch. They will make comments about your exercise regimen, the shape of your body, and your weight. What you should and shouldn’t wear and how it makes you look.

Regulate your sexual relationship.

They might make demands about the number of times you have sex each week and the kind of activities you perform.

Monitoring your activities and your movements.

Expect you to be available and pick up your phone EVERY time they call. If you don’t answer they will bombard you with voice mails or texts. “Why didn’t you pick up your phone”? “Where are you?”

Not allowing you to work or go to school.

They might make it seem like it’s for your benefit. “You don’t have to work.” I make enough money to take care of the family” “Just stay home with the kids” All part of their plan to control the financials, to keep you stuck.

Reinforcing traditional gender roles.
They will attempt to justify that women are homemakers and mothers, while men are breadwinners. Coerce you into taking care of ALL the cleaning, cooking, and childcare, while they rest and enjoy their hobbies when they are home, detached from family life.

Gaslight, manipulate and lie to get their way and convince you that you’re wrong. To get you to question your own memory and apologize.

Name-calling and putting you down, telling you that you are worthless. Form of bullying behavior, designed to make you feel unimportant and deficient.

Turning your kids against you.

If you have children, they might try to weaponize the children against you by telling them you’re a bad parent or belittling you in front of them.

Threatening to publish information about you or to report you to the police or the authorities.

Threatening to harm you, your child, or pets.

Threatening to call social services and say you’re neglecting or abusing your children when you aren’t. Intimidating you by threatening to make important decisions about your kids without your consent.

If you have experienced any of the following you are a victim of domestic abuse that entraps you in a hostage-like situation. Regardless of the history with your abuser, you might have a family together and even if it included some “happy moments” you don’t deserve this treatment.

They will laugh if you confront them and call them an abuser. You might have been told, “I’m not hitting you!” “This is not abuse!” “No one will believe you!” “You are crazy!” “You are lucky I’m still here!”

-It is abuse! All of it!!
-We believe you!
-You are not crazy!
-This doesn’t have to be your life any longer!!

It is not hopeless. You don’t deserve to be treated like this! You never did! Knowledge is power. This is NOT OK!!
Reach out for help. Call the domestic hotline: 18007997233, or email:

Yours in healing,


Book a free 30 min discovery call, to break the cycle and live the life you want to live.

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